Enter Grades

Important Information

  • Grade rosters must be generated before entering and approving grades.
    • Grade rosters for full term classes are generated on the last day of classes for the term. Classes that meet less than the full term (first half, second half, and mini courses) will have their grade rosters generated on the Friday of the week the class ends.
  • Grade rosters are available to:
    • Instructors, faculty graders, and graduate instructors assigned to the class in M-Pathways with one of the following levels of access:
      • GRADE access allows you to enter or upload grades and then set the Grade Roster Approval Status to Ready for Review. Instructors with this role cannot approve or change grades. This level of access is recommended for classes with one or more instructors assigned and/or for classes with multiple components.
      • APPROVE access allows you to enter grades, upload grades, or review grades already entered. Once the grades are reviewed for accuracy, you can set the Grade Roster Approval Status to Approved. Clicking Save and viewing the Grade Roster Submittal Confirmation that appears on the bottom of the grade roster page are the final steps. This level of access is recommended when only one instructor is responsible for all aspects of grading.
    • Staff who are assigned one of the following levels of proxy access in the Faculty Center by a class instructor with GRADE or APPROVE access:
      • Enter Grade Proxy access allows you to enter or upload grades and then set the Approval Status to Ready for Review. Proxies with this role cannot approve or change grades.
      • Approve Grade Roster Proxy access allows you to enter grades, upload grades, or review grades already entered. Once the grades are reviewed for accuracy, you can set the Grade Roster Approval Status to Approved. Clicking Save and viewing the Grade Roster Submittal Confirmation that appears on the bottom of the grade roster page are the final steps.



Wolverine Access > Faculty Business

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click Faculty Center.
  2. Click Change Term to select the appropriate term.
    • The Faculty Center page defaults to the current term.
  3. My Schedule Page

  4. Locate the appropriate class in the Class and Class Title fields.
    • Only classes for which you have been set up as an instructor or assign as a proxy are viewable.
  5. Click the Grade Roster icon located to the left of the class name.
    • Grade roster icons appear only when there is a grade roster generated for the class
    • Grades can only be entered, uploaded, or modified when the Approval Status is set to Not Reviewed.
  6. Select the appropriate grade from the Roster Grade drop-down list.
    • If the class has been set up to meet the ULWV requirement, a C- or better automatically satisfies the requirement.

      Grade Roster Page

    Did you enter a failing or NR grade?
    • No - skip to step 8.
    • Yes - continue to step 6.
  7. If you entered a failing or NR grade, select the student’s level of class participation in the Level of Participation field.
    • Full - student attended class and completed assignments
    • Never – student never attended class or completed an assignment
    • Partial – student attended at least 1 class or completed at least 1 assignment, including:
      • Written and/or verbal conversation between the instructor and student about the course.
      • Participation in a discussion in Canvas.
      • Completion of a paper or examination

    Note: Participation for these purposes is defined not by the quantity or quality of participation, but by the student's last participation.(i.e., A student could never attend class, but if they take the final exam, the Level of Participation is Fully Participated.)

  8. Grade Roster Page

  9. If ‘Partial’ is entered as the student’s level of participation, enter the date the student last participated in the class in the Last Date of Participation field.
    • Partially graded rosters should be saved with an Approval Status of Not Reviewed or Ready for Review. When a grade has been entered for each student, you can change the Approval Status.
  10. Change the Approval Status. The valid values include:
    • Not Reviewed – grades can still be entered, uploaded, or modified.
    • Ready for Review – submits the grade roster to the instructor with APPROVE grade roster access.
      • An automatic email is sent to both the Grader and the Approver(s) indicating the roster is ready for review.
      • Instructors with GRADE grade roster access should select this option.
      • Once this option is selected, only the instructor with APPROVE grade roster access can modify the grade roster.
    • Approved – submits the grade roster for posting to the student record.
      • An automatic email is sent to all Approvers on the grade roster to confirm the grade roster has been approved and submitted.
      • This option is available only to instructors with APPROVE grade roster access.
  11. Notes:

    • Grades can be entered, uploaded, or modified only when the Approval Status is set to Not Reviewed.
    • Instructors with APPROVE grade roster access can change the Approval Status back to Not Reviewed to make modifications to the grade roster before the grades are posted. See the Review and Approve Grades for more information.

    Grade Roster Page

  12. Click Save.